Instrumental-methodical aspects of estimation of innovati-ve activity efficiency in the industry

  • Ольга Ивановна Колоскова Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
Keywords: efficiency of innovative activity, manufacturing industry, manufacturability level, method of data envelopment analysis


Purpose: this article is devoted to the relevant issue – the development of tools for the estimation of the efficiency of innovative activity at enterprises of manufacturing industry. Discussion: the authors propose to develop mathematical methods for comparing economic indicators of the innovative activity efficiency at the industrial enterprises using the method of data envelopment analysis based on the use of mathematical programming methods, the postulates of the theory of production functions and the Pareto optimality principle. Results: practical approval of methodological tools was carried out using the example of manufacturing enterprises of the Russian Federation. This study confirmed the reasonability of the application of the method of data envelopment analysis to estimate the efficiency of innovative activity in manufacturing industries. The study allowed us to make a conclusion that the level of the innovative activity efficiency has being reducing in accordance with a decrease of the manufacturability level of the industry. At the same time, the enterprises of medium- and low-tech industries, as well as high-tech enterprises, have significant potential for the application of innovative technologies. Further researches can be focused on conducting such an analysis of the stages of innovative activity at the industrial enterprises, as well as in the context of the interconnection of industries of different manufacturability levels in order to obtain a more complete picture of the efficiency of the domestic economy.


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How to Cite
Колоскова, О. И. (2020). Instrumental-methodical aspects of estimation of innovati-ve activity efficiency in the industry. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 154-167.
Industrial Economics