The question of depressiveness of rural territories

  • Александр Владимирович Агибалов Voronezh State Agricultural University named after the Emperor Peter the Great
  • Дмитрий Сергеевич Клейменов Voronezh State Agricultural University named after the Emperor Peter the Great
  • Елена Дмитриевна Кузнецова Voronezh State Agricultural University named after the Emperor Peter the Great
Keywords: sustainable development of rural areas, depressed areas, rural social infrastructure, factors of social infrastructure development


Purpose: the article deals with the problem of determining the depressiveness of rural areas and their causes. The authors consider the economic problems allowing to form development potential of the territory expressed in its investment appeal, efficiency of production, efficiency of budgetary expenses of the local budget, and its stability. Discussion: to solve this problem, the authors propose to identify economic, environmental, institutional and social factors affecting the development of the village. The presence of unresolved problems in this area negates any success in bringing the territory out of the depression. Results: the authors analyzed the depressed rural areas and formed a program of strategic development, which bases on the strategic analysis of the territory, identified problems, opportunities, threats and prospects.


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How to Cite
Агибалов, А. В., Клейменов, Д. С., & Кузнецова, Е. Д. (2020). The question of depressiveness of rural territories. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 237-250.
Regional Economics