Innovative aspects of region road transport infra-structure development

  • Irina A. Duadyun Institute of Service, Tourism and Design (branch of North Caucasus Federal University) in Pyatigorsk
  • Anna Yurievna Kosobutskaya Voronezh State University
Keywords: transport infrastructure of the region, information technologies, in-novations, regional economy, intelligent transport systems


Purpose: ative implementation of information and communication technolo- gies in various fields of activity, including transport, makes the problem of in-novative development of road transport infrastructure urgent. The goal of the study is to analyze the existing trends in the development of the regional road transport infrastructure and determine the main directions of its innovative development. Discussion: the authors used such general scientific methods of research as observation, analysis and synthesis, generalization, analogy for the goal achievement. Results: the article contains the analysis and systematization of perspective directions of innovative development of the region's transport infrastructure and related technologies and the offer of their classification. It also has the identification of a number of the most promising areas of development (including innovation development) of the transport infrastructure. These areas have proved to be effective in the world practice and may have a noticeable effect without significant investments in the near future and in the long term until the end of national projects in the sphere of transport infrastructure.


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How to Cite
Duadyun, I. A., & Kosobutskaya, A. Y. (2021). Innovative aspects of region road transport infra-structure development. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 142-156.
Regional Economics