Challenge of development of the wholesale markets of agricultural production: experience of Ukraine

  • Евгений Николаевич Кирилюк
Keywords: infrastructure of agrarian market, wholesale food market, wholesale market of agricultural produce, personal subsidiary economy, advancement of commodities, trader, research and information system


In the article the problem aspects of agricultural products wholesale markets forming and functioning in Ukraine are exposed. Reasons of inefficiency of agricultural producer's interests realization at trade on wholesale markets are educed. The necessity of the state's role strengthening for wholesale markets creation is reasonable. The expediency of accessible for external user's research and information system of wholesale agricultural produce markets forming is indicated.


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How to Cite
Кирилюк, Е. Н. (2015). Challenge of development of the wholesale markets of agricultural production: experience of Ukraine. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 101-110. Retrieved from