Research of adaptive properties of the industries

  • Мария Сергеевна Старикова Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University
Keywords: adaptive control, adaptive estimation, sectors of the industry, ABC analysis, XYZ-analysis


Purpose: the article investigates important for today’s economy adaptive properties of enterprises, as well as methodological issues in estimating the degree of adaptability of Russian industries. Discussion: under the assumption that the adaptability of industries can be measured on the basis of variations in their successful performance in the medium term, the author proceeds from the fact that adaptation is a reflection of internal changes in the activity of the enterprises on the transformation of the industry environment. Results: the author has proposed evaluation scheme of adaptive properties of industries based on augmented ABC-XYZ methodology. There is empirically demonstrated the possibility of practical application of the model to conduct a comparative analysis of the industry and to identify problem areas for economic development.


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How to Cite
Старикова, М. С. (2015). Research of adaptive properties of the industries. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 78-86. Retrieved from
Industrial Economics