Improvement of accuracy of the territorial grid operator cost planning and its role in solution to the problems of transportation of electricity through distribution networks in the region

  • Людмила Юрьевна Богачкова
  • Алина Петровна Грибова
Keywords: мathematical methods of time series forecasting, territorial grid operator, management of the transportation of electricity through distribution networks, regional electrical grid


Purpose: the article is devoted to development of the theory and practice of the territorial electrical grid in order to overcome negative trends in the transportation of electricity through distribution networks in the region. Discussion: assuming that the use of mathematical methods of short-term forecasting will lead to improving accuracy of territorial grid operator cost planning, the authors prove that it will contribute to the solution of interrelated issues of the transportation of electricity through distribution networks in the region. This measure will lead to increased use of transportation rate for renewal of the electrical grid fixed funds; restraining of the growth of final electricity prices; increase of the competitiveness of goods and services; prevention of the worsening of social tensions in the region. Results: the authors have given recommendations for improvement of accuracy of the territorial grid operator cost planning in practice of external regulation and in-house budgeting of the transportation of electricity through distribution networks in the region.


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How to Cite
Богачкова, Л. Ю., & Грибова, А. П. (2015). Improvement of accuracy of the territorial grid operator cost planning and its role in solution to the problems of transportation of electricity through distribution networks in the region. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 58-64.
Industrial Economics