Conceptual bases of formation of a personnel management functional model

  • Александра Сергеевна Михайлова
Keywords: functional model of personnel management, personnel management, performance, personnel policies, the performance of the implementation of personnel policies


Purpose: the article is devoted to problems and peculiarities of the formation of a personnel management functional model. Discussion: the author considers the assumption that the personnel policy coordinates the current operational activities of the organization with its strategic objectives, and it is the link between strategy and the functional model of personnel management. Personnel policy is formed and implemented for creation of a high-performance staff. The author has made an assumption that the nature of the organization’s personnel policy is determined by its leaders and their position in the formation and implementation of personnel policies. Results: the author has proposed a classification of the organization’s personnel policy and performance criteria for the implementation of the organization’s HR policy, and also identified factors that determine the nature of the personnel management functional model.


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How to Cite
Михайлова, А. С. (2015). Conceptual bases of formation of a personnel management functional model. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 111-123.