The system of financial resources as a tool for the realization of the economic interests of the subjects and the role of the market in its functioning

  • Ольга Александровна Молчанова Saint Petersburg State Economic University
  • Алексей Владимирович Тарасов Voronezh State University
Keywords: financial resources, market of financial resources, circulation, economic interests


Purpose: through the author's information and legal approach, to explore the financial resources market as a part of their system to justify its role in resolving the contradictions of information asymmetry and the weak specification of property rights and the subsequent integration of the financial resources in the circulation model. Discussion: the analysis of points of view on the category of "financial re-sources" was conducted, on the basis of which the category was presented as a system by means of the proposed methodological approach, which made it possible to clarify its essence, content and substantiate the transformation of money into financial resources in two iterations through an intermediate form - finance with the determining participation of the market in this process. At the same time, there is a resolution of the contradiction of information asymmetry and a weak specification of property rights. Within the framework of the information and legal approach, a matrix of economic contradictions and methods for their resolution has been con-structed, which allowed to determine the boundaries of the financial resources market, as well as the boundaries of other financial markets by functional criteria, depending on their primary participation in resolving one of the above contradic-tions and the methods used. Results: the conclusion is made that the financial resources market is oriented primarily to resolving the contradiction of information asymmetry, while it is able to shunt the main contour of circulation of financial resources (income and expenditure of entities) as quickly as possible and by the required amount, acceler-ating their movement in the economy, where the concentration of financial resources is insufficient, in order to realize the urgent interests of social development. The proposed interpretation of the system and the financial resources market created the basis for constructing a model of their closed circulation, specifying the circulation of the monetary capital of K. Marx.


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How to Cite
Молчанова, О. А., & Тарасов, А. В. (2018). The system of financial resources as a tool for the realization of the economic interests of the subjects and the role of the market in its functioning. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 20-41.
Financial Economics