Network information model as a basis for the efficient functioning of adaptive systems

  • Нина Борисовна Баева ВоронежскийГосударственныйУниверситет
  • Екатерина Александровна Сергеева ВоронежскийГосударственныйУниверситет
Keywords: network information model, agent, credit networks, commercial bank


Purpose: to develop a method for constructing the adaptive network models, describing the process of functioning of the financial organization on an example of a commercial bank and its credit operations. Discussion: the authors offers a way of describing a universal network information model presented by a set of agents, their relations and purposes. The article provides a credit network of one of commercial banks in Voronezh. Results: the authors has described and implemented an aggregate multiagent and multi-layered information model in general terms. We developed the credit network of the commercial bank.


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How to Cite
Баева, Н. Б., & Сергеева, Е. А. (2015). Network information model as a basis for the efficient functioning of adaptive systems. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 8-18.
Mathematical Methods in Economics