The management system of the development of human capital in the sphere of education

  • Наталья Владимировна Голикова Voronezh State University
  • Светлана Игоревна Вербицкая Smolensk branch of RЕU G. V. Plekhanova
  • Ирина Александровна Пургаева Voronezh state technical University
Keywords: human capital, factor, development, economy, system, education, economic development, management


Purpose: to the study of the theoretical foundations of fundamental directions in the system of human resource management, such as assessing the effectiveness of training and development. Explane of the model of the learning process and the development of human capital of an educational institution. Discussion: the external environment of educational institutions and the characteristics of the socio-economic environment impose certain requirements on human capital. The realities of the modern market of educational services, due to increased competition and the intensifying struggle for consumers of services, entail the need to develop new approaches to the formation and development of the competitive human capital of an educational institution. The human resource management system in the region today is in an evolving state and requires additional research. Results: authors propose a system of goals for the formation and development of human capital, formed for vocational education institutions. Having studied the model of the process of learning and the development of human capital of an educational institution, we formulated the most general methodological principles that can be supplemented taking into account the specifics of the vocational education institution and the individual characteristics of carriers of human capital.


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How to Cite
Голикова, Н. В., Вербицкая, С. И., & Пургаева, И. А. (2019). The management system of the development of human capital in the sphere of education. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 20-28.
Labour Economics