New economic system for public enterprises in developing countries

  • Рафаил Арифович Иманов Central economics and mathematics institute
  • Виктор Игнатьевич Живица Market Economy Institute
  • Ольга Станиславовна Пономарева Central economics and mathematics institute
  • Вячеслав Иванович Фурсов Central economics and mathematics institute
Keywords: methodology of pricing, state enterprise management model, gross revenue, standard profit, natural rent, wage fund


Purpose: the authors consider the new state enterprise management model based on both the three basic laws of dialectics and the Hegelian triad of development. Discussion: the economic system depends on the management model of the primary economic cells (PEC). Moreover the methodology of pricing which has developed under the private property does not subject to transformation when transiting to a new socioeconomic structure based on distribution according to labor. The appearance of the new economic society cell is the result of the shift in the socioeconomic structure. Results: the management model of the new PEC overturns as compared to that one of outgoing society. At the same time the management model of the new PEC becomes similar to the model preceding that one which is inherent to outgoing society. The latter justifies the laws of dialectics.


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How to Cite
Иманов, Р. А., Живица, В. И., Пономарева, О. С., & Фурсов, В. И. (2019). New economic system for public enterprises in developing countries. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 56-72.