Организационно-экономический механизм развития региона

  • Алексей Александрович Токарев Institute of management, marketing and finance
Keywords: mechanism, organizational-economic mechanism, region, regional development, structural tools


Purpose: to present the author's vision of the organizational-economic mechanism of development of the region, to justify the composition of the structural elements in its content, offering a set of instruments for the implementation of management functions by the participants of the regional economy. Discussion: problems of regional development are complex for the solution of which is necessary to synchronize the efforts of the participants of the regional economy, taking into account the interests of all subjects of the territory, as well as the conditions of limited resources. Hence there is a need to develop effective, efficient institutional mechanism for balanced regional development, which will take into account the features of the dominance of individual subjects of the economy, individual industries, economic activities, and to consider the relevant circumstances, the incentives and preconditions for the development of the region. Results: presents the author's vision of the organizational-economic mechanism of development of the region, revealing the tools of realization of functions of management of the members of the regional socio-economic system; substantiated the composition of structural elements of the mechanism and the linkages between them, ensuring the elimination of the conflict of interests between economic actors in different institutional nature.


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Author Biography

Алексей Александрович Токарев, Institute of management, marketing and finance


How to Cite
Токарев, А. А. (2017). Организационно-экономический механизм развития региона. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 178-191.
Regional Economics