Assarance of the reliability of business processes of high-tech industrial enterprises under conditions of digital transformation

  • Tatiana V. Shchegoleva Voronezh State Technical University
Keywords: reliability, business process, high-tech industrial enterprise, digital transformation


Purpose: substantiation of the application of functional analysis me­tho­ dologies and analysis of the types and consequences of failure criticality (AVPCO/FMECA) to ensure the reliability of business processes of high-tech industrial enterprises under conditions of digital transformation. Discussion: based on the ecosystem approach and by analogy with technical systems, it can be assumed that the main properties of the business processes of ecosystems of high-tech industrial enter-prises are reliability, efficiency and safety, which means that as methods of ensuring the reliability of such business processes, it is necessary to consider methods of reliability theory in technical systems, optimization methods and methods of risk management. Results: the author substantiates the methodology for ensuring the reliability of business processes of high-tech industrial enterprises, which allows them to be identified in accordance with the level of criticality of failure in busi-ness processes and the probability of its occurrence and to develop recommenda-tions aimed at achieving a given level of reliability of business processes with maximum economic efficiency.


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How to Cite
Shchegoleva, T. V. (2022). Assarance of the reliability of business processes of high-tech industrial enterprises under conditions of digital transformation. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 69-78.
Industrial Economics