Strategy of the achievment of public acceptability of technical and technological innovations (on the example of nuclear industry)

  • Nikolay N. Netyaga Voronezh State University
Keywords: energy security, nuclear industry, strategy, public acceptance, government


Purpose: the purpose of this study is to consider the content of the strategy to achieve public acceptability of the introduction and dissemination of technical and technological innovations on the example of the nuclear industry. The term "public acceptability" is not generally accepted in the context of nuclear industry discussion and public opinion on it, nevertheless it is important to investigate the strategy of its achievement. This makes the nuclear industry a useful subject for considering the theoretical and practical implications of developing a strategy for achieving public acceptance of new technological solutions. Discussion: шn the process of achieving these aims we used methods of scientific knowledge: dialectical, analysis and synthesis. The research is based on the study of relevant scientific literature. Results: the article shows the significance of the state strategy of achievement of public acceptance of technical and technological innovations. The authors studied the basic socio-economic characteristics of the nuclear branch, proved that it is the complex phenomenon influencing many spheres of production and wide circle of the population life activity; in this connection its development should be accompanied by a complex of actions providing its social acceptability. The article contains the conclusions of the state and directions of development of the existing strategy of the nuclear industry development in the context of preservation of its social acceptability including a complex of measures among which the most significant are: the development of scientific and technical basis, improvement of industrial safety, cooperation with partners on the international scene, technology development and others.


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How to Cite
Netyaga, N. N. (2022). Strategy of the achievment of public acceptability of technical and technological innovations (on the example of nuclear industry). Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 47-57.
Industrial Economics