Recycling economy in the post-covid period

  • Maria I. Romanenko Penza state university of architecture and construction
Keywords: green economy, waste, recovery, new materials based on industrial waste, prime cost, surplus value, product life cycle


Purpose: renewal of the need to introduce a business model aimed at the integrated processing of waste into a new material with specified parameters and performance properties suitable for further use. Discussion: the humanity is currently consuming more natural resources than ever before. At the same time, the amount of waste from various industries is growing, which contributes to the formation of landfills and negatively affects the environment. This negatively affects the economic and social situation in the regions and the country as a whole. There is a need to separate the economic growth of production from the degradation and destruction of the environment, improve the efficiency of resource use and promote a sustainable standard of living. The return to the production cycle of various waste and substandard materials can make a significant contribution to the development of the economy through the transition to a low-carbohydrate and green, recycling economy. This requires the improvement of methods for the use of natural resources and industrial waste, the establishment of cooperation between various sectors of the economy, stakeholders and branches of government. Results: the author substantiates the effective effect of reusing materials after the end of their life cycle, as well as various types of construction waste and low-grade raw materials as new materials with desired properties. Highlighted groups describe materials that should be given priority due to the high level of their possible shortage. The author also formed the directions for the priority development of the construction industry in the post-COVID period. The survey of business leaders made it possible to formulate the possible risks of the proposed business model based on the development of the recycling economy.


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How to Cite
Romanenko, M. I. (2022). Recycling economy in the post-covid period. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 58-69.
Industrial Economics