Peculiarities of using marketing instruments in the sphere of medical services

  • Dmitriy A. Endovitsky Voronezh State University
  • Grigory A. Razuvaev Voronezh State University
Keywords: medical service, healthcare institution, medical services market, patient, marketing tools, social marketing


Importance: the penetration of marketing tools into the provision of medical services is complicated by the focus on the implementation of social needs. The target orientation of the sphere of medical services is associated with the preservation and strengthening of the health of patients, prolonging the years of life, which is one of the directions of the national policy of the Russian state. The provision of paid medical services helps to attract additional sources of financing for the activities of healthcare institutions. The allocation of funding limits from the budgets of various levels, the use of income from other income-generating activities contribute to the high-quality functioning of healthcare institutions in the conditions of competitive markets for medical services, which increases the importance of using marketing tools in accordance with the concept of social entrepreneurship. Purpose: to reveal the features of the implementation of marketing activities by healthcare institutions through clarifying the essence of the factors influencing its implementation; substantiate the key guidelines for the implementation of marketing activities. Research design: in modern conditions, trends have emerged that irreversibly transfer medical services to a new area, to economic benefits. This means that healthcare organizations should conduct marketing research in order to use this tool to evaluate the activity, the range of services provided. But marketing research is difficult to organize, which is why it is necessary to use innovative solutions, involve the state and its management mechanisms in healthcare institutions, where activities are carried out in stages andvarious subsystems. The scientific community has recognized that it is undoubtedly relevant to describe and explain the principle of operation of the mechanism of public administration in the field of health care. Results: the authors identified the factors influencing the improvement of tools and methods of marketing research in the field of health care, justified the specifics of medical services, proposed non-market incentives, the analysis of which will lead to the use of effective regulators in the activities of health care institutions, systematized problems that give rise to a dependent model of behavior of health care institutions , proposed ways to solve them.


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How to Cite
Endovitsky, D. A., & Razuvaev, G. A. (2022). Peculiarities of using marketing instruments in the sphere of medical services. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 20-32.