Features of structural and functional modeling of performance potential development as effectivefacilities of Altai economy

  • Ольга Викторовна Титова
  • Галина Григорьевна Вукович
Keywords: labor potential, quality of labor potential, social and economic development, region economy, manpower


The key factors providing harmonious use of labor capacity of the region are analyzed. It is proved that possibility of satisfaction requirements of regional economy in the manpower considering requirements of the existing level of development relations of production and productive forces, acts as a basic condition of effective development economy of the region


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How to Cite
Титова, О. В., & Вукович, Г. Г. (2015). Features of structural and functional modeling of performance potential development as effectivefacilities of Altai economy. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 74-79. Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/meps/article/view/8300