Academic degree, academic title, position:
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Solid State Physics and Nanostructures of the Voronezh State University
Scientific specialty in accordance with Sc. D. Diploma:
01.04.07 – condensed matter physics
Key biography data:
1935 – year of birth
1957 – the end of the Physics Department, Voronezh State University
1967 – defense of candidate thesis in physical and mathematical sciences
1979 – defense of doctoral thesis in physical and mathematical sciences
1983 – awarded the title of professor
1999 – Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
2003 – Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Field of research interests:
Atomic and Electronic Structure; Condensed Matter Physics, Semiconductors and Heterostructures; Thin Films, Nanomaterials and Nanostructures; Methods of Diagnostics of Solids; Ultrasoft X-ray Spectroscopy; Diffraction, Synchrotron Radiation
Number of published works:
more than 500
The number of qualified candidates and doctors of science:
12 doctors and 40 candidates of sciences
Delivered courses:
Condensed matter physics; Crystallography and Crystalophysics; Electronic Structure of Solids
Organizational and social work:
+7(473) 2208363
Voronezh State University, Faculty of Chemical,
Editorial Office of «Condensed Matter and Interphases»
1 University Square
Voronezh, Russian Federation 394018
+7 (473) 220-84-45