Market justification of the need to develop the production of aircraft for small aviation in the Russian Federation

  • Vladimir D. Pashintsev BSTU V. G. Shukhov
Keywords: air transport network, small aircraft, airfield infrastructure, cost per hour, fleet of aircraft, L-410 UVP E-20, LMS-901 «Baikal»


Importance: considering and analyzing the aviation transport sector, we can note that today the small aviation market is on a serious downward vector of development. However, this segment of the air transport and transport system as a whole is an extremely important and promising direction for increasing the level of mobility of the population in both developed and undeveloped remote areas of Russia. Purpose: to develop the necessary recommendations aimed at ensuring regular air traffic between settlements of the Russian Federation, rationalization and improvement of the efficiency of air transportation by «small aircraft» in the Russian Federation. Research design: the main focus of the research process is to distinguish between the problems of the state of the system and the problems of the process of implementing recommendations to improve this system. State tasks are aimed at answering what is the state of a phenomenon at a given time, while process tasks concern changes in phenomena over time. Within the framework of the implementation of the state program or strategy in accordance with which this study was carried out, the implementation of such an established distinction is an extremely important component. Results: the author has developed recommendations aimed at increasing the regularity and economic efficiency of commercial and state air transportation by small aircraft. The article also reflects the economic rationale for the need to «upgrade» the fleet of aircraft of regional carriers of small aircraft.


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Author Biography

Vladimir D. Pashintsev, BSTU V. G. Shukhov

graduate student


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How to Cite
Pashintsev, V. D. (2022). Market justification of the need to develop the production of aircraft for small aviation in the Russian Federation. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 39-53. Retrieved from
Industrial Economics