Current issues of distribution of advertising on the internet

  • Olga M. Kupryushina Voronezh State University
  • Artyom A. Romanov Voronezh State University
Keywords: advertising, Internet, Federal Antimonopoly Service, Roskomnadzor, advertising data operator, product, service


Importance: regulatory framework for the distribution of advertising on the Internet as a tool for tracking advertising activities. Purpose: critical analysis of the provisions of regulatory legal acts to identify key features of the regulation of advertising activities on the Internet. Research design: at present, advertising activity is becoming less and less associated with physical media – printed newspapers and magazines, banners, television recordings, etc. Due to the fact that advertising posted on the Internet is extremely unstable and can be repeatedly changed with the actual click of a computer mouse, it is almost impossible to track it, while advertising placed, for example, in magazines can be easily take a picture and it will not be changed. The introduction of a new Article 18.1 in the Federal Law No. 38-FZ «On Advertising», as well as additional regulatory legal acts, entails a number of inconsistencies and misunderstandings, however, it is possible to judge the effectiveness of the introduced norms only after the practice of their application has been developed. Results: the features of changes in the regulatory framework for the implementation of advertising activities are revealed. The main aspects of the procedure for the distribution of advertising on the Internet are considered in detail. An assessment was made of issues arising from the misunderstanding of the changes introduced, which in the future will be minimized by the development of the practice of applying new norms.


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Author Biographies

Olga M. Kupryushina , Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Artyom A. Romanov , Voronezh State University



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How to Cite
Kupryushina , O. M., & Romanov , A. A. (2023). Current issues of distribution of advertising on the internet. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 45-57.