• Irina Nikolaevna Merenkova Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agro-Industrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region – branch of Federal Government Budgetory Scientific Institution «Voronezh Federal Agricultural Scientific Centre named after V.V. Dokuchaev»
  • Irina Igorevna Novikova Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agro-Industrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region – branch of Federal Government Budgetory Scientific Institution «Voronezh Federal Agricultural Scientific Centre named after V.V. Dokuchaev»,
  • Kirill Sergeevich Koptev
Keywords: rural areas, spatial and sectoral potential, diversification, rural economy, development conditions, Lipetsk region


Importance: assessment of the conditions for the formation of rural spatial and sectoral potential of municipalities of the Lipetsk region. Purpose: assessment of the spatial and sectoral potential of rural areas of the Lipetsk region in the context of the current conditions for the functioning of municipalities of the region. Research design: shows the problem of conducting research and assessing the spatial development of rural areas, which is associated with the lack of the necessary information base. Assessment of the spatial and sectoral potential of rural areas of the Lipetsk region is carried out in the context of the conditions for its formation. Results: an assessment of the spatial development of rural areas of the Lipetsk region was carried out, showing some concentration of the population (29.7% in 3 municipalities), economic activity (58.1% also in 3 municipalities) and investments (40.7% in 2 municipalities), as well as the fragmentation of rural economic space through the definition of the global Moran index for the same indicators. It also shows almost complete lack of diversification in municipal areas, and the basic industry is agriculture (55.5% of districts). The difference in the conditions for the development of rural areas of the Lipetsk region in those allocated blocks is shown: financial and economic, social and labor, cultural and household. Positive and negative trends in the development of municipalities for the entire study period (2019-2021) are highlighted.


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Author Biographies

Irina Nikolaevna Merenkova, Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agro-Industrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region – branch of Federal Government Budgetory Scientific Institution «Voronezh Federal Agricultural Scientific Centre named after V.V. Dokuchaev»

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Full Prof.

Irina Igorevna Novikova, Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agro-Industrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region – branch of Federal Government Budgetory Scientific Institution «Voronezh Federal Agricultural Scientific Centre named after V.V. Dokuchaev»,

Cand. Sci. (Econ.)

Kirill Sergeevich Koptev

graduate student


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How to Cite
Merenkova, I. N., Novikova, I. I., & Koptev, K. S. (2023). CONDITIONS FOR FORMATION OF SPATIAL AND SECTORAL POTENTIAL OF RURAL AREAS. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 20-31.
Regional Economics