• Valery Yurievich Kondratiev Kuban State Agrarian University
  • Leonid Konstantinovich Efimiadi Kuban State Agrarian University
Keywords: implementation, costs, investments, information system, risks, economic effect


mportance: information systems have become an integral part of any business in recent years. With their help, you can increase work productivity, automate complex and routine production processes, ensure a high level of reporting, and much more. The concept of quality of an information system is the most important concept that determines the feasibility of its implementation, and is inextricably linked with the concept of efficiency. The term “efficiency” in this work refers to the ability of a system to achieve a certain result with a minimum amount of input. Purpose: conduct a study of the main methods of investment analysis used to assess the effectiveness of information systems. Research design: based on the fact that investment assessment methods combine the approaches of other methods and are recognized, for the most part, as the most accurate, the study of the features of their application in the implementation of information systems has serious scientific significance. Particular attention in the work is paid to comparing key methods of investment analysis, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, as well as determining the specifics and frequency of their use in modern enterprises. Results: analysis of investment methods made it possible to identify the most optimal ways to determine the effectiveness of information systems at the stage of their implementation, taking into account the strategic goals and characteristics of the enterprise. According to the results of the study, the most popular method of investment analysis is a quick economic justification, the most accurate is the total economic effect method, while the lowest level of assessment efficiency was shown by the total cost of ownership method. The work has compiled a list of applied solutions that allow the implementation of methods, identified the advantages and disadvantages of each software product, indicated the cost of their use, and also identified a more modern and functional analogue that can be used for the examination of investment projects.


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Author Biographies

Valery Yurievich Kondratiev, Kuban State Agrarian University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Leonid Konstantinovich Efimiadi, Kuban State Agrarian University

M. Sc.


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How to Cite
Kondratiev, V. Y., & Efimiadi, L. K. (2023). ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS USING INVESTMENT ANALYSIS METHODS. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 58-72.
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