• Sofia Alexandrovna Sitnikova Voronezh State University
Keywords: management accounting, risk-based approach, risk – oriented approach, organisation stages of the management accounting


Importance: organisation of management accounting on risk-based approach to support the management with information in the presence of risk management and risk control. Purpose: design of sequential organisation stages of management accounting on the risk-based approach and procedures required to these stages implementation Research design: the study contains an overview of previous scientists on the complex of stages of management accounting organisation. The study is based on a complex of essential characteristics of management accounting on the risk-based approach and its principles, which were identified and disclosed in our previous researches: pragmatic relevance, timeliness, segmentation, flexibility, predictability, focus on increasing the company¢s value, analyticity, dependence of accounting procedures on risk values (risk-correlation), forming and processing of information based on riskography. Results: the study allowed us to define the organisation stages of the management accounting on the risk-based approach and their content in correlation with the internal regulations of an economic entity. The stages are additional and from our point of view they allow to implement the risk-based approach in the forming of information for the purpose of decision-making in risk management and risk control. The article contains the following stages: determining the structure and content of risk information required at each level of management; forming the risk portfolio of the organisation; determining on structural units (risk-owners); creating the unit for accumulating and summarising risk information; development of organisational, technical and methodological provisions of management accounting in relation to risk information; development of organisational relationships for risk information communication.


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Author Biography

Sofia Alexandrovna Sitnikova, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite
Sitnikova, S. A. (2023). STAGES OF ORGANISING MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING ON THE RISK-BASED APPROACH. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 118-129.
Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics