Key trends in the development of retail trade in the Russian Federation, taking into account fluctuations in consumer demand, seasonality and the pandemic

  • Lyudmila Evgenievna Kastryuleva Voronezh State University
Keywords: retail, consumer demand, pandemic, seasonality, online trading, customer focus, key trend


Importance: the analysis of key trends in the development of retail trade in the Russian Federation, taking into account the variability of consumer demand, seasonality factors and the impact of the pandemic. The article is likely to cover aspects such as changes in consumer preferences, increases or decreases in demand for certain goods and services, the impact of seasonal fluctuations on trade turnover, and how retailers are responding to challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as changes in consumer behavior, digitalization of trade, changes in store operating formats and other aspects. Analysis of these factors helps to understand the current state of the retail market in Russia and develop strategies for the successful operation and development of retail companies in the face of change. Purpose: is to determine the key trends in the development of retail trade in the Russian Federation, taking into account fluctuations in consumer demand, seasonality and the pandemic. The results of the study consist in identifying the key directions for the development of retail trade in the Russian Federation using the example of several retailers: PJSC Centertorg, LLC SRT-Voronezh, LLC Centertorg Retail, the Pyaterochka and Magnit chains. Research design: the research was based on the principles of consistency, complexity, efficiency, methods of analysis, synthesis, modeling, and a logical approach. The theoretical basis of the study was the scientific works of leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of studying consumer demand, seasonality and pandemics. Results: the forecast for the development of food retail in Russia in the coming years is determined by several key trends that take into account both current market conditions and long-term changes in consumer behavior. Several areas will play an important role in the evolution of the sector: digitalization and online trading; personalization of offers; sustainable development; development of private brands; technological innovations in stores; focus on health and well-being.


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Author Biography

Lyudmila Evgenievna Kastryuleva, Voronezh State University

graduate student


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How to Cite
Kastryuleva, L. E. (2024). Key trends in the development of retail trade in the Russian Federation, taking into account fluctuations in consumer demand, seasonality and the pandemic. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 19-32.
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