Motives and incentives in the system of entrepreneurial activity

  • Ольга Евгеньевна Акимова
Keywords: motives, incentives, entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurs, motivators, stimulation


Economic entities prompt active socially useful activity, one of the most important types of which is entrepreneurship (lifestyle, method of conduct aimed at doing business as a form of existence of the owner of means of production) to meet their own needs. Awareness of these needs increases interest in the conditions and ways of meeting them. Interests may affect people’s behavior and may become the internal and external reasons for the activity in case of the real possibility of their implementation: motives and incentives are driving moments that manager_mepsister the actions of people brought to life by the coincidence of internal and external circumstances. The main difference between the motive and the stimulus lies in the fact that the motive applies to the person as to the subject of action, but an incentive is a product of higher activity of not one but two people, entrepreneurs and society (as represented by the state, representatives of the business environment and population).


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How to Cite
Акимова, О. Е. (2015). Motives and incentives in the system of entrepreneurial activity. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 94-105. Retrieved from