Management strategy modeling in agricultural university

  • Кирилл Евгеньевич Токарев
  • Мария Павловна Процюк
Keywords: modeling strstegies, educational services, modified S, W, O, T, algorithm kemeny, expert groups, morphological model, scenario analysis, endogenous and exogenous factors


The article discusses the possibilities for improvement of the algorithm of generation of management strategies in the field of educational services, based on a modified S,W,O,T model taking into account the results of processing of a group of expert assessments according to the algorithm of Kemeny and the degree of influence of endogenous and exogenous factors on changes in segments of the S-T-O-W, which allows not only to diagnose the current state of the field, but also to reveal the latent potential of the inner forces and capacities for strategic planning of development of the agrarian University in the field of management improvement of rendered educational services.


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How to Cite
Токарев, К. Е., & Процюк, М. П. (2015). Management strategy modeling in agricultural university. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 130-138. Retrieved from