Analysis of HR-brand of the employers based on Internet-rating

  • Татьяна Олеговна Подольская Нижегородский государственный университет имени Н.И. Лобачевского
Keywords: employers, production, HR-brand competitors, competitiveness


Purpose: analysis of the competitiveness of HR-brand of the employers. Discussion: famous researches allow us to confidently say that the prestige of the company, its recognition, reputation in the market, personnel policy, the possibility of the fullest realize their human potential are factors that strongly influence the selection of promising experts in a particular company. Internet ratings analysis is a modern tool to assess and compare the criteria of any of the economic entity. This was the basis of its use in the course of this study to analyze the provisions of employers HR-brand. Results: the research found that domestic enterprises do not pay sufficient attention to their HR-brand. The paper points to the fact ineffective and incomplete use of reserves to strengthen the capacity of Russian enterprises through the promotion of an effective strategy for HR-brand.


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How to Cite
Подольская, Т. О. (2015). Analysis of HR-brand of the employers based on Internet-rating. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 105-111.