The development of territorial and sectoral division of labour in the market conditions of functioning of agriculture in the region

  • Владимир Федорович Печеневский Research Institute of Economy and Organization of Agro-industrial Complex of the Central Chernozem Region of the Russian Federation
Keywords: agricultural production, territorially-branch division of labor, placement, specialization, government regulation


Purpose: development of methodical provisions on the improvement of regional placement and specialization of agricultural production in the region. Discussion: One of the most important conditions of competitiveness of agriculture, is the rational distribution of its sectors (types of products) on the basis of territorial and sectoral division of labor, which in a market economy should understand the interrelated specialization of some regions on production of certain agricultural products, sizes, intensity, and orientation of their trade flows caused, on the one hand, supply and demand, and with another – the state regulation of the agrarian market. The analysis of structural shifts in the distribution of agricultural production in the Central black earth region (Central Chernozem region) indicates that the CCA in the areas disturbed were formed over decades specialized areas of agricultural production, which was one of the major reasons for the decline of production, its sustainability and effectiveness. Results: the conceptual positions on the formation of specialized zones of production of separate types of agricultural products through state regulation of the rational distribution of agricultural production aimed at deepening specialization and concentration of production, efficient use of land labor, material and financial resources, ensuring food security in the region.


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How to Cite
Печеневский, В. Ф. (2017). The development of territorial and sectoral division of labour in the market conditions of functioning of agriculture in the region. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 202-209.
Agricultural Economics