The history of formation and develop of entrepreneurship on the territiry of modern Russian Federation

  • Игорь Олегович Кудинов Saint-Petersburg state university of economics
Keywords: the development of entrepreneurship, prerequisites for the development of entrepreneurship, state support of entrepreneurship


Purpose: the author analyzes the process of development of relations between the state and businessmen on the territory of modern Russian Federation, starting from criminal prosecution during the Soviet Union to the development of entrepreneurship to the rank of a priority task at the federal level. Discussion: the article identifies the main causes and prerequisites for rapid changes in the relationship between the state and entrepreneurship. Results: the article gives the analysis of the main results of state support of entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation and identifies the tasks for the achievement in the future.


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How to Cite
Кудинов, И. О. (2019). The history of formation and develop of entrepreneurship on the territiry of modern Russian Federation. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 45-54.