Features of communication networks in social and labor relations

  • Кристина Андреевна Кучерова Voronezh State University
Keywords: social and labor relations, communication networks, com­mu­nications, communication channels, communication process, models of the communicative process, elements of the communication process, types of structures of the communication network


Purpose: the article substantiates the weight and relevance of the problem of well-functioning communication processes in the field of social and labor relations, as well as identifying ways to improve relationships in this area in order to make their work in the economy more efficient. Discussion: the article examines the field of social and labor relations as relationships existing among individuals, their teams and associations in the course of their professional activities, which allows revealing the specificity of communication networks in this area of relationships characteristic of the current state of society. Results: the author establishes basic components of the communication process mechanism. The article considers the description of the communicative process models. It also contains the list of varieties of communication networks in the most detailed form, the list of characteristics of some of the problems in organizational communications characteristic of this relationship area. The author gives several ways for communication improvement.


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How to Cite
Кучерова, К. А. (2019). Features of communication networks in social and labor relations. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 65-77. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2019.3/2062
Labour Economics