The metod of decisions making on the complex socio-economic system based on volumetric visual cognitive modeling

  • Елена Владимировна Феррейра Опасо Research Institute of Military Academy of Logistics
  • Павел Васильевич Терелянский State University of Management
Keywords: cognitive map of complex socio-economic system, cognitive model of complex socio-economic system, cognitive 3-d model «cognitive cloud» of a complex enterprise socio-economic system, factor of a cognitive model for a complex socio-economic system, visualization


Purpose: the authors develop the algorithm of management decisions support system methodology in complex socio-economic system. The authors use the cognitive model of complex socio-economic system situations and changes visual monitoring. Discussion: the authors propose the cognitive model algorithm of complex socio-economic system forming, supplemented by developed visualization models. The cognitive model of a complex socio-economic system in this work is a weighted nonplanar orgraph (X, W). The node of the orgraph are the factors combination of a complex socio-economic system, and the edge show the intensity of the factors influence on each other. Results: the authors developed metrology for ensuring maximum flexibility, visibility and convenience for users while making management decisions.


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How to Cite
Феррейра Опасо, Е. В., & Терелянский, П. В. (2019). The metod of decisions making on the complex socio-economic system based on volumetric visual cognitive modeling. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 108-117.