Aspects of regional development of diversification processes in rural territories

  • Елена Сергеевна Кусмагамбетова Scientific-Research Institute of Economy and Organization of Agro-Industrial Complex of the Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation
  • Сергей Леонидович Закупнев Voronezh State Agrarian University
Keywords: diversification of economy, regional development, rural territories


Purpose: the authors consider the regional development conditions of diversification processes in rural territories in this article. Discussion: the authors study interpretations of category «diversification» in relation to region economy, estimate the agriculture contribution to economy of the Central Black Earth Region, carry out the structure analysis of gross regional product in regions of Central Black Earth Region, study the change dynamics of diversification level for economy in the Central Black Earth Region. Results: the research confirmed the relative stability of general economic conditions of managing in areas of the Central Black Earth. Strategic and current problems of social and economic development for regions are support of diversification processes in economy at the same time. The authors determined the following regional conditions of diversification processes development in rural territories: existence of considerable resources of agrofood and tourist and recreational types, reserves of minerals; uneven development of economy branches; low investment attractiveness of certain regions, decrease in diversification of regions economies.


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How to Cite
Кусмагамбетова, Е. С., & Закупнев, С. Л. (2018). Aspects of regional development of diversification processes in rural territories. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 87-96.
Agricultural Economics