Intellectualization of the management process of financing of the innovation system as factor of ensuring economic security

  • Ирина Николаевна Булгакова Voronezh State University
  • Елена Петровна Борщевская Voronezh State University
  • Татьяна Ивановна Овчинникова Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
Keywords: informatization of knowledge, innovations, economic security, operational activities, management decisions, information structure


Purpose : the article presents the significant role of the subsystem of control over the financing of innovative activities in the system of economic security of the enterprise. The introduction of such a system focuses the company on continuous improvement of all internal processes and thus allows to achieve positive economic effects. A modern monitoring system should be adaptive and easily integrated into the existing enterprise management system. Discussion : the article clarifies that the financing of innovation activities should take into account the factors of economic security, which are understood as the leveling of financial threats and risks. It is shown that the process of monitoring the financing of innovative projects in the system of economic security of the enterprise should be based on the selected control points and a certain information structure. Results : the authors present the process of forming a system of financing innovative activities on the example of JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie». The concept of using informatization tools and tools allowed us to develop an algorithm for forming the information structure of the Concern's innovation activity, taking into account internal and external factors that affect the innovative development of the enterprise, the ability to predict financing risks, and the ability to respond adequately to them as they arise.


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How to Cite
Булгакова , И. Н., Борщевская , Е. П., & Овчинникова , Т. И. (2020). Intellectualization of the management process of financing of the innovation system as factor of ensuring economic security. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 143-152.
Economic systems