Practical aspects of the use of collaboration process loop method of assessment as the mechanism of innovation-investment drivers support for economical systems of meso-level

  • Ирина Олеговна Малыхина Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
Keywords: innovation, collaborative technological loop, innovation and investment driver, assessment methodology


Purpose : the article deals with the formation of methodological tools for assessing collaborative technological loop as a mechanism for the development of innovation and investment activity. Discussion : the author analyses the modern conditions of innovative and technological development of the domestic economy and the effectiveness of combining efforts and resource capabilities of the state, scientific and entrepreneurial sectors. The article also reveals the relationship between the set of the elements forming the blocks of the contour is revealed. The analysis of possible indicators carrying the maximum semantic load during the formation of the blocks of the circuit. Results : the author gives her definition of the collaborative technological loop, its role in the development of innovative and technological activities. The article also contains methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the loop in blocks, an algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of individual indicators. The author proves the possibility of practical application of the presented technique.


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How to Cite
Малыхина , И. О. (2020). Practical aspects of the use of collaboration process loop method of assessment as the mechanism of innovation-investment drivers support for economical systems of meso-level. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 153-161.
Economic systems