National and regional innovative processes: dynamics, factors and trends

  • Виктория Ивановна Тинякова State University of Management
  • Аркадий Геннадьевич Новиков Belgorod State National Research University
Keywords: innovation process, factors, dynamics, trends, recommendations, features of Russian innovation processes


Purpose : to analyze modern national and regional innovation processes, identifying factors and trends in their development. Discussion : innovative processes increase the competitiveness of regions. World transformations in the economy and technologies do not leave any other choice for the regions, otherwise they can be as actively involved in innovative processes as possible, creating a favorable environment for their dissemination and implementation. Results : the dynamics of innovative activity in Russia is considered for certain indicators, such as volumes of shipment of innovative products, weight of innovative products and others. The factors influencing innovation processes at the national level are identified: the development of institutions, human capital and research, infrastructure, market conditions, the level of development of employees, the availability of developments and technologies, as well as creative innovations. The main directions to which special attention should be paid at the national and regional levels are indicated, and recommendations on the development of innovative processes are formulated.


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How to Cite
Тинякова , В. И., & Новиков , А. Г. (2020). National and regional innovative processes: dynamics, factors and trends. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 170-185.
Regional Economics