Institutional trap of modernization of the regional socio-economic policy of The Southern Federal District in the conditions of digitalization of the economy

  • Роман Владимирович Фомин Belgorod State National Research University
Keywords: region, modernization, regional socio-economic policy, institutional trap, digitalization of the economy


Purpose : to uncover the institutional trap of modernization of regional socio-economic policy that arises in the process of digitalization of the economy of the Southern Federal District. Discussion : the resources of the theory of institutional traps, formed in the conditions of market transformations of the domestic economy, are also in demand in the conditions of modern transformations, since in these conditions there are numerous dysfunctions, structural gaps, institutional asymmetries, which contributes to the formation of inefficient institutions that replace the ordering of economic relations with their destabilization. To overcome the institutional trap, certain measures are required to change the current socio-economic policy, that is, to adjust its course. Results : specific features of institutional traps arising in the field of socio-economic policy are highlighted; options for the development of institutional traps in the field of socio-economic policy in the context of digitalization are shown; verification of the hypothesis about the possibility of an institutional trap for the modernization of regional socio-economic policies in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation.


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How to Cite
Фомин , Р. В. (2020). Institutional trap of modernization of the regional socio-economic policy of The Southern Federal District in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 186-196.
Regional Economics