Improving the efficiency of personnel management on the basis of innovations

  • Tamara I. Nikiforova Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin)
Keywords: personnel management, personnel potential, personnel policy, innovations


Purpose: to systematize the innovations in human resource management and to analyze their influence on personnel policy and efficiency of the use of personnel potential of the organization. Discussion: рersonnel management has become especially important for increasing the competitiveness of business. The analysis of approaches to an estimation of the use of personnel potential of the organization allows to allocate quality of personnel policy as the general element of increase of efficiency of HR. Modern personnel policy of successful companies is based on innovative approaches to organization of staffing processes and implementation of HR-technologies. In the article HR-trends are investigated and the review of personnel innovations is executed, their contents and influence on the change of personnel work is disclosed. Results: оn the basis of research of HR of the Russian and foreign companies the personnel innovations are grouped on three directions: use of personnel potential (including realization of personnel technologies and automation of HR-processes), development of personnel potential and social innovations (well-being of employees). Influence of innovations on efficiency of use of a personnel potential is considered. The problems of implementing innovations are highlighted.


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How to Cite
Nikiforova, T. I. (2021). Improving the efficiency of personnel management on the basis of innovations. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 91-106.
Labour Economics