Methodological approach to efficiency evaluation public administration of region economy

  • Алексей Евгеньевич Чичерин Voronezh State University
Keywords: effectiveness of public administration, methodology for assessing management efficiency


Purpose: to the issues of developing a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of public administration in the region’s economy, providing for the integrated use of statistical and expert assessments, taking into account current trends in regional development. Discussion: аssuming that the effectiveness of managing the regional economy is associated with an increase in the degree of satisfaction of the socioeconomic needs of the population, which are under the responsibility of the state, the effective use and development of economic potential, the author suggests an appropriate system of indicators to adequately assess this efficiency. Results: this article reveals the main aspects of the author’s methodology for assessing the effectiveness of public administration in the region’s economy, which allows, along with a general assessment of the effects of public administration, to use private assessments that characterize changes in three vectors: the level and quality of life of the population; the level of development of economic potential; level of use of economic potential.


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How to Cite
Чичерин, А. Е. (2019). Methodological approach to efficiency evaluation public administration of region economy. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 48-54.