Accounting arrangments of the concession agreement of concessionaire

  • Римма Равеловна Рахматулина Voronezh State University
Keywords: concession agreement, concessionaire, accounting, Concedent


Purpose: the article proposes a method of accounting for the concession agreement, taking into account the requirements of quality accounting standards and international financial reporting standards. In this case, the author determines his own position on the organization of accounting for the concession agreement with the concessionaire. Discussion: since the practice of domestic accounting lacks not only the legal framework but also, as such, the concessionaire's method of accounting for the concession agreement, it is necessary to identify the main accounting parameters. Results: in the process of solving this problem, the author proposes as a basis for the organization of accounting of the concession agreement with the concessionaire an algorithm that includes a sequence of actions of the economic entity, which allows to identify the right of the concessionaire to receive compensation under the contract, to determine the procedure for recognition and evaluation of the object of the concession as an intangible or financial asset, reflected in the accounting (financial) statements. In addition, the author gives practical recommendations on the organization of accounting and tax accounting of the concession agreement.


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How to Cite
Рахматулина, Р. Р. (2019). Accounting arrangments of the concession agreement of concessionaire. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 77-89.