Influence of reputation on the financial stability and economic security of the enterprise potential

  • Александр Владимирович Родионов
  • Павел Иванович Мирошниченко
  • Ярослав Романович Ярема
  • Инна Николаевна Манько
Keywords: business reputation, enterprise, financial stability, potential of enterprise, procedure


In the article the questions of influencing of business reputation on financial stability and economic safety of potential of enterprise are considered. The economic constituent of business reputation is considered, the value of business reputation in activity of enterprises is exposed. Procedure of forming of business reputation for economic safety of potential of enterprise is offered.


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How to Cite
Родионов, А. В., Мирошниченко, П. И., Ярема, Я. Р., & Манько, И. Н. (2015). Influence of reputation on the financial stability and economic security of the enterprise potential. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 93-100. Retrieved from