Mobile marketing phenomenon as a new stage of modern business evolution

  • Наталия Александровна Сафонова
  • Валентина Егоровна Сухова
  • Ирина Михайловна Кузлаева
Keywords: information and communication technology, mobile devices, marketing policies, mobile marketing


In this article the features of formation, evolution and transformation of the global market of mobile devices and their impact on the new segment of the global marketing structure - mobile marketing - in a process of intensive differentiation of modern information and communication technologies and their applications are discussed. Socio-economic importance of specialized marketing and advertising tools' implementation to the interaction between the actors of current mobile media space is highlighted. Special attention is paid to the assessment of the potential and prospects of development of the domestic market of mobile marketing.


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How to Cite
Сафонова, Н. А., Сухова, В. Е., & Кузлаева, И. М. (2015). Mobile marketing phenomenon as a new stage of modern business evolution. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 71-80. Retrieved from