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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

    The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

    The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

    Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

    The text is 1,5 interval; uses a 12-point font; employs underlining; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the end the text.

    The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript formatting standards for 
«Sorbtsionnye i khromatograficheskie protsessy» journal

Please, be informed that due to the journal «Sorbtsionnye i khromatograficheskie protsessy» preparation for joining the international abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature «SCOPUS», (international bibliographic database and citations for academic journal articles) since 2014 there have been made some significant changes in the manuscripts formatting.

The developments are aimed to make the key points and conclusions of published papers available for a wide international audience that cannot speak Russian. The abstract in English and the references transliterated with Roman letters are now of particular significance, because these sections of the articles are embodied in the «SCOPUS» system. They should be substantive and informative enough to draw attention of foreign readers to the manuscript subject. Thus, it is for the benefit of an author to prepare these parts of the manuscript most thoroughly and assure their quality.


  1. To publish an article the authors should submit the following materials to the editorial board:
    1. The text of the article in hard copy signed by all authors.
    2. Expert report.
    3. The organization referral.
    4. The electronic version of an article sent to the e-mail: journal@chem.vsu.ru
  2. Article must be submitted in accordance with the following requirements:
    1. Manuscripts should be provided in the format doc (Word 1997-2003)
    2. The volume of the article along with the text, figures, tables and references should not exceed 12 format pages A4, exceptions are reviews (up to 20 pages) and short communications (up to 4 pages).
    3. Type font Times New Roman.
    4. Font size – 12 pt.
    5. The first line indentation – 1.25; line spacing 1.5 pt.
    6. Page Setup: top field – 2.5, bottom – 2.5, left – 3, right – 2.5.
    7. The subheadings in the article are underlined.
    8. The text should not contain automatic hyphenation.
    9. Do not use footnotes as well as tables and figures in landscape orientation.
    10. Articles should be verified thoroughly by the authors for spelling, grammar, punctuation and semantic mistakes.
    11. Figures and tables are placed at the end of the article on individual pages.
    12. Design of figures:
      – The size of figure should not be less than 70×70 mm and not more than 150×150 cm, axis labels should be legible, the recommended font of axes and curves - Times new Roman, font size - 14 pt.
      – The same type of curves must be in the same scale.
      – For the bitmap it should be used TIF format with a resolution of 600 dpi, 256 shades of gray;
      – For the photos it should be used TIF format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi;
      – Ruled out the use of built-in editor Word drawings to draw lines, arrows, etc.;
      – Ruled out the use of «frame» for inserting pictures or signatures to them;
      – Ruled out the use of grid lines in the construction graph;
      – Curves in the figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals, which stand in the figure captions;
      – It is recommended to use of several scales to combine different curves in one picture;
      – Including in the figures of structural and other formulas is undesirable;
      – Figures must be signed and numbered according to the order mentioned in the text.
    13. Design of tables:
      – Tables should have titles and serial numbers that are referenced in the text;
      – Font text in tables - Times new Roman, font size – 12 pt.
    14. Design of the text:
      – Greek letters must be typed in Times New Roman, use of Symbol is not recommended;
      – Formulas in the text should be typed using a standard program Microsoft Equation;
      – Formulas in the text are numbered according to the order mentioned in the text;
      – Decimals (0.1; 0.9; 2.3) need to be written using the point;
      – It is advisable to adhere to the common system of symbols and abbreviations following their original explanation. The IUPAC terminology should be used for compounds names;
      – The designation of all physical values and indexes is recommended in Latin (Russian letters are undesirable). Indices and exponents must be placed at exactly the desired locations.
      – The units are preferably given in accordance with the International System of units SI.


  1. Sub-headings:
    • Introduction;
    • Theoretical part;
    • Experimental;
    • Results and Discussion;
    • Conclusion;
    • Acknowledgements for financial and other support (if necessary);
    • References;
    • Abstract
    • Abstract extended
  2. Information on the article in Russian:
    • UDC (Universal Decimal Classification);
    • Title of the article;
    • Copyright, year, author (s) (name);
    • Name and address of the organization (s), e-mail of all or one of the authors;
    • abstract (author's abstract);
    • Keywords (up to 10).
  3. Information on the article in English:
    • Title (translation);
    • Copyright, year, author (s) (transliteration);
    • Name and address of the organization (s), e-mail of all or one of the authors;
    • Extended abstract. (Not less than 10 lines);
    • Keywords (up to 10).


    GC determination of singlet oxygen using α-terpinene

    Ovechkin A.S.1,2, Reingeverts M.D.2, Kartsova L.A.1
    1St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry, St. Petersburg
    2FSUE "RSC" Applied Chemistry ", St. Petersburg
    e-mail: Lackser@gmail.com

    Received 28.12.2014



    Abstract (Russian)

    Keywords (Russian):







    Ovechkin Ahdrey S. – Ph. D. student of St. Petersburg State University, engineer of «RRC» Applied Chemistry», St. Petersburg. E-mail: Lackser@gmail.com

  4. Requirements for Abstracts in Russian and in English
    The Abstract must be meaningful (not descriptive generalizations), informative (reflecting the main content of the article, describing the main targets and methods of the study, summarizing the most important results of the study and its scientific value), well-structured (follow the logic of the article).
    The Abstract should be rather detailed (average size – 250-300 words, but can be more). The Abstract in English should be written in good language using correct terminology.
    The Abstract summarizes the following parts of the article:
    • subject, purpose of the work;
    • methods or methodology;
    • basic results of the work;
    • conclusions;
    • keywords.
  5. References
    Links to bibliographical sources included in REFERENCES should be numerated consequently, in the order they were first mentioned in the text. The references in the text, tables and figure captions should be marked with Arabic numbers [in square brackets]. The definite page(s) should be given if necessary. Only subject foot-notes (comments, supplements etc.) remain in page mode. The references related merely to tables or figure captions should be numerated according to the first mentioning of a definite table or figure in the text.
    Standards of reference style
    Article in Russian Journal:
    • Authors (transliterated);
    • Journal title (transliterated, in italics);
    • Year of publication;
    • Volume number;
    • Issue number (if any);
    • Article page numbers.


    Zhukalin D.A., Tuchin A.V., Kulikov D.G., Yatsenko A.A., Bityutskaya L.A., Lukin A.N. Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granitsy, 2014, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 23–26.

    The references from Russian journals with translated version should be submitted as they were given in English version of these journals.


    Matveev A.V. Journal of Surface Investigation: X-Ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 2011, no. 1, pp. 97-103.

    Article in English, French, German and other languages:
    • Authors (English, French, German and other languages);
    • Journal title (English, French, German and other languages, in italics);
    • Year of publication;
    • Volume number;
    • Issue number (if any);
    • Article page numbers;
    • DOI; Available at:


    Barnes L.A., Lin В., Lindh R. J. Chem. Phys, 1993, vol, 98, no. 5, p. 3978. DOI: 10.3109/10837450.2013.840845 Available at: Internet source(accessed 00.00.0000).

    Book (Monograph, Collected Works)
    • Authors, Editors (transliterated);
    • Title (transliterated, in italics);
    • Imprint, i.e. the place of publication in English, French, German and other languages, publishing house in English, French, German and other languages (if any) or transliteration, the year of publication, general number of pages.


    Nigmatulin R.I. Dinamika mnogofaznykh sred. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1987, рt. 1, 464 p.

    Yungnickel I.L., Peter E.D., Polgar A., Weiss E.T. Organic Analysis. New York, 1953, vol. 1, p. 127.

    Conference proceedings
    • Author(s);
    • Proc. of the “Conference title”;
    • Imprint, i.e. the place of publication, publishing house, the year of publication, general number of pages.


    Afonin N.N., Logacheva V.A., Khoviv A.M. “Amorphous & Microcrystalline Semiconductors”, Proceedings of the IX International Conference, July 7-10, 2014, St. Petersburg, 2014, pp. 356-357.

    Edition in English, French, German and other languages (Roman letters):
    • Authors (English, French, German and other languages);
    • Proc. of the “Conference title” (English, French, German and other languages, in italics);
    • Imprint, i.e. the place of publication in English, French, German an other languages, publishing house in English, French, German and other language, the year of publication, general number of pages.


    Lee, Y., Korpela, S.A., and Horne, R.N., 1982, “Structure of Multi-Cellular Natural Convection in a Tall Vertical Annulus”, Proceedings, 7th International Heat Transfer Conference, U. Grigull et al., eds, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington, D.C., vol. 2, pp. 221-226.

    Translated book
    • Author(s);
    • Title;
    • Place of publication;
    • Publisher;
    • Year of publication;
    • Number of pages.

    In the translated Russian edition the last names should rather be given in the original variant, not transliterated.


    Timoshenko S.P., Young D.H., Weaver W. Vibration Problems in Engineering. 4th ed. New York, Wiley, 1974, 521 p. (Russ. ed.: Timoshenko S.P., Young D.H., Weaver W. Kolebaniia v inzhenernom dele. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1985, 472 p.)



    Kondrat'ev V.B. Global'naya farmatsevticheskaya. Available at: http://perspektivy.info/rus/ekob/globalnaja_farmacevticheskaja_promyshlennost_2011-07-8.html (accessed 23 June 2013).

    Pravila Tsitirovaniya Istochnikov (Rules for the Citing of Sources) Available at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/1034528/ (accessed 7 February 2011)

    Dissertation or thesis


    Kuleshov V.G. Diss. cand. chim. nauk. Moscow, 1979, 17 p.

    General number of pages (235 p.) should be given for monographs. The page number range (pp. 220-222) or one page number (p. 222) should be given for article.



    Palkin M.V. Patent RF, no. 2280590, 2006.


    There is no publication fee.

    The publisher does not charge authors for editing and publishing their manuscripts.

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