A mobile diagnostics suite for the express quantitative determination of acetine in exhaled breath

  • Igor A. Platonov Samara National Research University, Samara, Russian Federation
  • Irina N. Kolesnichenko Samara National Research University, Samara, Russian Federation
  • Larisa V. Pavlova Samara National Research University, Samara, Russian Federation
  • Irina M. Muhanova Samara National Research University, Samara, Russian Federation
  • Vladimir I. Platonov Самарский национально-исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева, Самара, Россия
Keywords: gas chromatography, mobile diagnostics suit, microfluidic systems, non-invasive diagnostics, biomarkers, chromato-desorption systems, acetone, exhaled breath, calibration gas mixtures


Analysis of volatile compounds in exhaled breath is the basis of non-invasive diagnostics based on the use of biomarkers of metabolic disorders and the identification of risk factors of the development of pathological processes performed for early diagnostics. Acetone in exhaled breath is a biomarker of diabetes. Concentrations of over 0.9 ррm indicate the development of the disease. The article presents a mobile diagnostics suite based on a portable gas chromatograph PIA and a method for the express quantitative determination of acetone in exhaled breath. The analytical system includes planar microfluidic columns with the internal section of 0.8 mm2, filled with a Carbopack B sorbent (80-100 mesh fraction), a thermocatalytic detector, and a thermal desorption unit. The suggested method can be used for quantitative determination of acetone in the concentration range from 0.1 ррm to 10 ррm. The analysis takes 3 minutes. We also assessed the possible sources of uncertainties during sampling, preparation, and calibration. In our study, we analysed the advantages and limitations of various calibration mixtures: control gas mixtures, gas mixtures prepared under static conditions by means of the analysis of equilibrium vapour phases, statistical volumetric analysis, and chromato-desorption method in a discrete mode. The study determined that it is advisable to prepare calibration mixtures immediately before the analysis. It also demonstrated that diagnostics of functional disorders (0.9-2 ррm) and neurotypical level (below 0.9 ррm) of acetone in exhaled breath requires the use of calibration gas mixtures obtained by means of volumetric or chromato-desorption methods, which decrease the impact of the calibration stage to the total level of uncertainty by 10-30%. The article also provides recommendations on the traceability and assessment of the mass fraction of acetone in calibration gas mixtures by means of a Microgas dynamic unit in the thermal diffusion mode with microflow sources. Methods for the reduction of uncertainty are suggested. The article also describes the prospects of using chromato-desorption systems for sample preparation and concentration of the samples of exhaled breath under conditions identical to the calibration conditions and reduction of the detection limit.


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Author Biographies

Igor A. Platonov, Samara National Research University, Samara, Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of Department of Chemistry Samara University, Samara. E-mail: pia@ssau.ru

Irina N. Kolesnichenko, Samara National Research University, Samara, Russian Federation

Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Chemistry Department, irniks@mail.ru

Larisa V. Pavlova, Samara National Research University, Samara, Russian Federation

Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Chemistry Department, lora-pavlova@mail.ru

Irina M. Muhanova, Samara National Research University, Samara, Russian Federation

Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Chemistry Department, mim042004@mail.ru

Vladimir I. Platonov, Самарский национально-исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева, Самара, Россия

Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Chemistry Department, E-mail: rovvv@yandex.ru


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How to Cite
Platonov, I. A., Kolesnichenko, I. N., Pavlova, L. V., Muhanova, I. M., & Platonov, V. I. (2022). A mobile diagnostics suite for the express quantitative determination of acetine in exhaled breath. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 22(4), 365-376. https://doi.org/10.17308/sorpchrom.2022.22/10563