Organozeolites are sorbents for purification of solutions from cationic and anionic microcomponents

  • Esfir M. Katz Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: : clinoptilolites, organic zeolites, microcomponents, sorption properties, calculation of sorption dynamics


The ion-exchange properties of new sorbents - organic zeolites N1 and N2 were studied in comparison with the properties of the matrix – natural clinoptilolite tuffs (CLT) from the Tedzami and Kholinskoye deposits in relation to the purification of waters of various compositions from cationic and anionic pollutants. The following modifiers were used: polyhexamethylene guanide (PHMG) – organic zeolite N1 and polyethyleneimine (PEI) – organic zeolite N2. Organozeolites were obtained by impregnating CLT with a modifier and ECH crosslinking. Sorbents are characterized by complex properties – anion-exchange and complex-forming due to amine-containing modifiers and cation-exchange properties due to the properties of the matrix – CLT.

When studying the sorption of surface water cations, it was found that the sorption of single-charged ions (NH4+) practically did not deteriorate on organic zeolites compared to the data on CLT. The sorption properties of doubly charged cations (Ca2+, Sr2+) dropped sharply. As a result, the concentration ratio of ammonium to calcium in the desorption solution (2N NaCl) increased.

In neutral media, the sorption properties of organic zeolite N2 with respect to heavy metal (HM) cations sharply increased in comparison with the data on CLT due to the processes of complex formation with the functional groups of the modifier (PEI). In slightly acidic media, the HM distribution coefficients decreased due to competition in the sorption of H+ ions, but for NH4+, Н+, К+, Cu2+, Cr2O72-, Pb2+ ions distribution coefficients were higher than G>103 cm3/g.

The high selectivity of the sorption of the UO2(CO3)34- anion on organic zeolite N2 from carbonate-containing diluted solutions G=3.105 cm3/g was shown; with an increase in the concentration of the solution to 0.5 N NaCl – G=3.103 cm3/g. In weakly alkaline solutions, the selectivity of sorption to UO2(CO3)34 decreased due to competitive sorption of OH- ions. For a number of microcomponents, dependences of distribution coefficients on ionic strength (from 0.001 to 0.5 N NaCl) and pH of the solution from pH 3.6 to 9 were obtained.

In various solutions on organic zeolites, sorption characteristics (distribution coefficients, external and internal diffusion coefficients) in relation to the microcomponents of the NH4+ cation, heavy metals HM, as well as CrO42-, UO2(CO3)34- anions were obtained.

For various organic zeolites solutions, simultaneous sorption of cation and anion microcomponents was shown.

The possibility of calculating the dynamics of sorption of microcomponents of pollutants on organic zeolites from various solutions using the selected models of sorption dynamics and the obtained sorption characteristics was shown.


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Author Biography

Esfir M. Katz, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

researcher in Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russian Federation


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How to Cite
Katz, E. M. (2022). Organozeolites are sorbents for purification of solutions from cationic and anionic microcomponents. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 22(5), 659-672.