Structural-surface and sorption properties of silicon dioxide obtained from nepheline-containing raw materials

  • Dmitriy V. Maiorov Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials-Subdivision of the Federal Re-search Centre “Kola Science Centre of The Russian Academy of Sciences”, Apatity, Russian Federation
  • Yuri O. Velyaev Sevastopol State University, Polytechnic Institute, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Keywords: nepheline, amorphous silica, structural-surface properties, specific surface area, specific pore volume, sorp-tion


Samples of silicon dioxide (SiO2) were obtained based on the acid decomposition of mineral raw materials (nepheline). The obtained samples were studied by chemical analysis, BET, BJH, etc. It was found that according to the content of impurities, SiO2 samples were almost identical to pyrogenic amorphous silicon dioxide obtained from reactive raw materials (pharmaceutical preparation "Polysorb MP") and have an increased, compared to "Polysorb MP" specific external surface (by 1.1-1.9 times) and specific pore volume (by ~1.4 times). Based on the obtained values of the specific capacity of the adsorption monolayer of the surface of SiO2 samples and changes in the Gibbs energy (ΔGo) in the process of sorption, it was concluded that the method for obtaining them does not possess significant influence on the physicochemical properties of their surfaces and the mechanism of nitrogen and water vapour sorption. The assumption about the prospects of using silicon dioxide, obtained on the basis of acid processing of mineral raw materials, as an enterosorbent in therapeutic practice was made.


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Author Biographies

Dmitriy V. Maiorov, Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials-Subdivision of the Federal Re-search Centre “Kola Science Centre of The Russian Academy of Sciences”, Apatity, Russian Federation

PhD in Technology, senior research associate. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry - Subdivision of the Federal Research Centre “Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Apatity, Russian Federation, e-mail:

Yuri O. Velyaev, Sevastopol State University, Polytechnic Institute, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

PhD in Technology, associate professor of the department "Food Technologies and Equipment", Sevastopol State University, Polytechnic Institute, Sevastopol, Russian Federation, e-mail:


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How to Cite
Maiorov, D. V., & Velyaev, Y. O. (2023). Structural-surface and sorption properties of silicon dioxide obtained from nepheline-containing raw materials. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 22(5), 725-736.