Formation of the tillage pan bottom horizon in black soils and its sorption features with respect to organic matter and heavy metals
The tillage pan horizon, which forms when black soils are ploughed, is characterised by a significant compaction of soil material and accumulation of fine elementary soil particles (ESP). This, in turn, limits the penetration depth of root systems of cultivated plants, and, as a result, leads to a decreased productivity. In our opinion, the formation of the tillage pan horizon provides the prerequisites for its increased sorption capacity with respect to organic matter and heavy metals. According to this hypothesis, the tillage pan horizon can be considered as a geochemical barrier for further vertical migration of organic matter and heavy metal salts in soils. Objectives: to establish mechanisms of the formation of the tillage pan horizon in black soils and to study its sorption properties with respect to organic matter and heavy metals, i.e. lead and cadmium.
The research involved completing the following tasks: to conduct a field study of the morphogenetic features of black soils susceptible to the formation of tillage pans; to select soil samples and to conduct a number of laboratory studies aimed at identifying their sorption properties with regard to organic matter and heavy metals (Pb and Cd); to prove that the tillage pan horizon, which has been formed in an agrogenic way, is a geochemical barrier for further vertical migration of organic matter and heavy metals.
It was established that the tillage pan horizon is formed during the arable and illuvial accumulation of fine ESPs, which exhibit sorption properties with respect to carbon of organic compounds in the soil, labile humus substances, and mobile forms of heavy metals (Pb and Cd). The horizon acts as a barrier for further active migration of the mobile fraction of organic matter and mobile heavy metal salts. The formation of tillage pans should be considered as a sign of black soil degradation since a combination of unfavourable properties (an increase in soil density and a 10% reduction in pore space as compared to the upper arable horizon) contributes to decreased plant productivity. Heavy metals accumulated due to tillage pans can contribute to their more active translocation into plant organisms and therefore degrade crop output. In this regard, a set of agrotechnical measures should be implemented to mitigate this negative phenomenon.
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