Water vapour sorption on composites based on low hydrolysed polyvinyl alcohol and polysaccharides of various na-ture
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is promising for creating functional materials with desired properties and a wide range of applications. Compounding PVA with organic fillers, especially with inexpensive and affordable polysaccharides (PS), reduces the cost of the material, as well as improves its properties. The most important characteristic of PVA-based composite materials is their behavior in a humid environment. The aim of the study is to study the processes of sorption and desorption of water vapor by highly filled composite materials based on low-hydrolyzed polyvinyl alcohol and polysaccharides of various nature and dispersion. The objects of the study were 8 experimental samples of composite materials based on PVA grade 17-88 (content of vinyl acetate groups 12 wt.%, viscosity 20.0 - 26.0 MPa/s) and four types of polysaccharides: corn starch, wood microcellulose, corn dextrin, coffee bean fiber, in the ratio of PVA:PS equal to 75:25 and 50:50 wt.%. The processes of sorption / desorption of water vapor by experimental samples were studied under isothermal conditions (at room temperature) by the desiccator method with different water vapor activity (0.07 ÷ 100). It was found that the process of sorption/desorption of water vapor by highly filled composites based on low-hydrolyzed polyvinyl alcohol and polysaccharides of various nature and dispersion has the following patterns: the same type of sorption curves regardless of the nature of the polysaccharide, the disclosure of additional sorption volume on the third day of exposure due to solvation and increased mobility of macromolecules with a decrease in the degree of crystallinity of the system, correlation of the degree of moisture saturation with the size of filler particles (increase in sorption capacity with a decrease in the size of polysaccharide particles); the same type of desorption curves regardless of the nature of the polysaccharide, extensive sorption hysteresis, also correlating with the size of filler particles (the smaller the particles, the greater the hysteresis), due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between polymers and adsorbed water molecules, and also due to the restructuring of the polymer system.
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