Depositing functions of organic matter to heavy metals beneath the forest and steppe vegetation of the Kamennaya Steppe
When using a modern approach to the issues of purification of the environment from technogenic products, it is necessary to develop new methods and effective sorbents in order to increase their sorption capacity. In addition to these qualities, the materials must be selective to the sorbed elements and substances and also environmentally friendly. Humic substances meet all of the listed requirements, and their cost is also quite low. Humic substances include both humic acids and fulvic acids. But, most importantly, carboxyl and phenolic groups of humic acids are those that participate in the formation of metal-organic complexes. The paper presents the results of model experiments on the sorption capacity of humus to absorb such serious environmental pollutants as lead and cadmium. We compared the organic matter of various ecosystems of the Kamennaya Steppe (Talovsky district of the Voronezh region) formed beneath forest and steppe vegetation. To achieve our goal, that is to analyse the influence of forest and steppe ecosystems on the degree of mobility of heavy metals, the research was conducted using modern methods, and the obtained data were statistically processed. More favourable soil and climatic conditions created in the forest belt result in the reliable accumulation of organic matter and its subsurface redistribution. Accumulation of heavy metals in the humus accumulative horizon of the deposit and forest belt can be explained by the formation of organomineral complex compounds. A greater number of organometallic compounds were formed beneath the forest belt due to the presence of aerobic conditions and sufficient moisture. In the fractional group composition of humus we noted the prevalence of the humic acid fraction over the fulvic acid fraction. Beneath forest vegetation, the humic-fulvic ratio narrowed, and the share of the mobile fraction grew. An increase in the composition of humus of mobile and “aggressive” fractions of fulvic acids in black soils of the forest belt contributed to the mobilisation of the studied heavy metals, which led to an increase in their migration along the soil profile to the carbonate geochemical barrier, where they were deposited. According to the data obtained, high protective functions of the organic matter were observed in both ecosystems, with a slight predominance beneath forest vegetation.
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