Diffusion dialysis of an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid and iron (III) chloride using a heterogeneous anion exchange membrane Ralex AMH-PP
An experimental study and theoretical simulation of the diffusion transfer process during dialysis of an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid and iron (III) chloride using a heterogeneous strongly basic anion exchange membrane Ralex AMH-PP with quaternary ammonium fixed groups has been carried out. Diffusion dialysis was performed in a two-chamber flow-through dialyzer in the recycle mode. The calculation of the ionic composition of the initial solution under study showed that Fe3+ is represented as [FeCl]2+, [FeCl2]+ and [FeCl3]. The concentration of hydrochloric acid in permeate and retentate was monitored using potentiometric and titrimetric methods, the iron (III) chloride content was determined by complexometric titration. The main characteristics of the diffusion transfer of HCl and iron (III) ions through the Ralex AMH-PP anion exchange membrane have been found. The diffusion flux of hydrochloric acid is 20-100 times higher than the flux of iron (III) salt, probably due to the higher mobility of the hydrogen ion both in solution and in the membrane, as well as to its less pronounced Donnan exclusion from the membrane phase. With a decrease in the molar ratio of hydrochloric acid and iron (III) chloride in the initial solution, diffusion dialysis becomes less effective. Numerical simulation of the diffusion dialysis process of the solution of hydrochloric acid and iron (III) chloride using COMSOL Multiphysics and the data on ion diffusion coefficients in the membrane determined by the electrical conductivity of the ion exchange membrane confirms the experimental results. It was found that Fe3+ ions are transported through an anion exchange membrane mainly in the composition of [FeCl2]+ ions. Decrease in the share of [FeCl]2+ and Fe3+ in the total flux of iron (III) ions may be due to both their low concentration in the feed solution and their rather high charge. A block diagram of the regeneration process of spent hydrochloric acid pickling solution using diffusion dialysis is proposed, which includes the return of HCl solution obtained during dialysis to the early stages of the process, as well as the possibility of using iron (III) salt-enriched retentate for etching copper printed circuit boards.
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