Adsorption properties of oil shale ash residues of Leningradskoye field

Keywords: oil shale, kerogen, ash residue, adsorption, sorbent, acid-base centers, sorption tank, heat treatment, leach-ing.


The relevance of the study is determined by the growing interest in the processing of low-grade solid fuels, such as oil shale. This interest is related to the opportunity to increase the total reserves of fuel, energy and chemical resources. A significant obstacle to the widespread use of oil shales is the large amount of waste generated during their processing. The development of methods for obtaining marketable products from oil shale ash will not only increase the economic effect of the shale processing process, but also reduce the total amount of waste generated. The purpose of the research is to determine the possibility of using coal and ash residues of oil shales as sorbents. The following research methods were used in the work: X-ray fluorescence analysis, indicator method for determining acid-base centers, determination of sorption capacity by nickel ions, determination of specific surface area by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method. It was determined that the ash residues of burning shales consist mainly of oxides of calcium, silicon, aluminum and iron. The specific surface area of ash residues, determined by the BET method, was 27 and 2.5 m2/g for coal-ash and ash residue, respectively. Ash residues are a dense material close to bentonites in terms of bulk density (0.75 g/cm3). Carbonaceous residues are less dense (0.5 g/cm3) and in this indicator are close to potassium and iron-containing aluminosilicates. The ash residues have a sorption capacity for nickel (II) ions in the range of 46.8-59.6 mg/g. The value of the free energy of adsorption determined by the Dubinin-Radushkevich model indicates that the adsorption process occurs by an ion-exchange mechanism. The distribution of acid-base centers of ash and carbonaceous residues has been established. The presence of these centers indicates the possibility of using ash residues in a wide range of values of affinity for hydrogen. The obtained experimental data on the adsorption of nickel (II) ions were processed using Langmuir, Dubinin-Radushkevich and Freundlich models. The obtained value of the free energy of adsorption indicates the chemical nature of the adsorption of nickel (II) ions. Based on the totality of the obtained characteristics, it is concluded that the use of ash residues of oil shale as a sorbent is promising.


Author Biographies

Svetlana N. Saltykova, St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Energy Recycling, St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation,

Kirill G. Karapetyan, St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Energy Processing, St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation,

Aleksandr. D. Korshunov, St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

аспирант кафедры химических технологий и переработки энергоносителей Санкт-Петербургского горного университета, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

Maksim Yu. Nazarenko, St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Energy Recycling, St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation,

Inna V. Dorosh , St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

postgraduate student of the Department of Chemical Technologies and Energy Recycling, St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation,


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How to Cite
Saltykova, S. N., Karapetyan, K. G., Korshunov, A. D., Nazarenko, M. Y., & Dorosh , I. V. (2025). Adsorption properties of oil shale ash residues of Leningradskoye field. Sorbtsionnye I Khromatograficheskie Protsessy, 24(6), 1003-1014.